Requesting a Gsuite account for yourself

Requesting a Gsuite account for yourself

This article applies when the reader, as a member of a body, would like to request AEGEE-Europe to provide them a Gsuite account to access their body's team drive

Step-by-step guide

  1. Fill this formbe sure to provide your personal email, and your European body/local
  2. Wait till we finish the procedure on our side (takes up to one week)
    1. You will be notified on the email address you used to submit the helpdesk request, by receiving a "password reset" link
    2. This password reset link lasts only two days. If you miss the deadline, open a helpdesk ticket
  3. When we finished the procedure on our side, check how to use team drives in this article

Closing of the form

The form is in use only while there is no automatic generation of Gsuite addresses from MyAEGEE.

Soon, upon registering on MyAEGEE and being confirmed by the local board, a Gsuite address will be generated for the user, and membership to the groups will be automated.

When this will happen, we will close the form. For any troubles, aegee.org/helpdesk is your friend.