Help for locals (board members)
Help for locals (board members)
- Requesting a Gsuite account for your local
- How to migrate your drive data to a Gsuite account
- What should I do after I migrate my data?
- Participating in the MyAEGEE beta test (oms beta)
- How-to: Approve members joining the body (for board members)
- How-to: Create a bound circle (for board members)
- How-to: Add other board members (for board members)
- How-to: Edit body details (for board members)
- How-to: Write board comments for regular events applications (for board members)
- How-to: Bulk import members (for board members)
- How-to: Upload members list for Agora (for board members/Chair Team)
- How-to: Set participant type/order and board comment for Agora participants (for board members)
- How-to: Add fee payments for your members (for board member)
- How-to: Adding board change
, multiple selections available,
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