What can I do (more) with Gsuite drive?

What can I do (more) with Gsuite drive?

This article aims to explain what are the differences between google drive and gsuite drive.

The main difference: team drives

Team drives is a characteristics of Gsuite. It is a drive where the files stored are automatically set to be owned by the organisation (AEGEE-Europe). It is basically the solution for GDPR problems of "who owns the data".

Team drives are accessed by clicking on the "Team drives" icon (below "My drive") on the left, when you login on drive.

Group membership

Membership to a Team drive is regulated by groups: if you are added to a certain group (e.g. HRC) on MyAEGEE, you are automatically having access to that drive.

During a transient period, you will be added to the group through your personal gmail account. When every AEGEEan will have their own Gsuite account, it will be replaced and automatised

New roles

When you are a member of the team drive (through the group) you can have five possible access levels:

  1. Manager: You have full access (edit, reorganise) to the content, to the sharing, and to the user management
  2. Content manager (Default setting): You have full access to the content, and to the sharing 
  3. Contributor: You have edit access to the content (but cannot reorganise)
  4. Commenter: You have comment access to the content
  5. Viewer: You have view access to the content

Organisation-only sharing

By default, team drives are only shared within the organisation. In case there is a need for a file to be public, or shared to externals partners, exceptions can be made.

Timed sharing

When sharing a file, there is a new option: timed sharing. The sharing will be removed by itself after a certain period of time.

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