Permission System Requirements

Permission System Requirements

Target releaseBeta 1 (MVP 0.1)

CORE-71 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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  • Offer a flexible yet powerful access restriction system that suits the need of an organization such as AEGEE
  • Allow protection of data and actions from users that should not have access
  • Prevent developers from making accidental mistakes concerning data and action access
  • Provide an adaptable system for when (organizational) rules might change in the future

Background and strategic fit

As the OMS is very much a representation of the real world model, certain permissions, privileges, a real world person has need to be translated into the system. This means that for every action done by the system the permissions of the actor (user) should be checked.

Previous discussion on this topic.


  • Role: A role an object has, a collection of permissions.
    • Examples: superadmin, moderator, journalist, guest
  • Permission: A single action that is given access to.
    • Examples: viewing a members name, editing a body, changing a users role
  • Origin: The microservice that is the origin of an object, that stores the basic information of this object.
    • Examples: Member's origin is core.
  • Internal/External object: When referring to an object from a microservice's viewpoint it is considered an internal object when the viewpoint (microservice) is the origin (microservice), if the viewpoint is not the origin it is considered an external object.
    • Example: From the core microservice's viewpoint a Member object is internal, an Event object is external.
  • External roles: A role defined by an other microservice, likely unkown to the origin microservice
    • Example: Adding a 'trainer' role to a member


#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes
1Global rolesA user should have global roles (ie. 'superadmin') linked to itMust have
  • Generally determined by retrieving stored information
  • Linked global roles can be none (which gives it only the 'default' role)
2Contextual roles A user should have roles linked to it based on the context of the action (ie. 'board' of a local) Must have
  • Generally determined on run-time based on the context
  • Based on the context of the action means:
    • Based on the member the user represents
    • Based on the object involved with action:
      • Based on the objects requested
      • Based on the objects on which the action is performed
3PermissionsA user should have certain permissions based on the roles linked to itMust have
  • Linking permissions to roles
4Flexible rolesA user should be able to easily edit, add and delete rolesHigh
  • Contextual roles are going to be hard to make flexible
5Assignable rolesA user (with permission) should be able to assign roles to another userMust have

6Assignable permissionsA user (with permission) should be able to assign permissions to rolesMust have
7SuperadminA user should be able to have the role of 'superadmin', granting unlimited permissions regardless of other rolesMust have
  • This should be the only real system role
8PerformanceThe system should determine and check the roles in a timely fashionMust have
  • Every action in the system will be impacted by permission
  • Aim should be < 100 ms. (TODO: Is this realistic?)
9Disallow by defaultThe system should disallow access to data and actions by defaultHigh
  • This reduces security leaks by programming mistakes
10Define standardsThe system should impose standards on how to communicate roles between microservicesHigh

Current proposal:

  • Each object's origin microservice will attach global roles + contextual roles (from the requesting user) to a response object. (meaning the core microservice will do this for members and bodies)
  • Each microservice is responsible for defining any extra roles themselves
    • Be it by calculation, or by storing roles referenced to the 'external' object.
  • The permissions system as a whole should be refactored and encapsulated in a separate microservice in the future, providing a centralized role access
  • Should each microservice allow adding extra global roles when requested to do so by other microservices?

User interaction and design


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

How would the implementation of such a system (possibly) look like?See the earlier discussion
In what way should the permission system be distributed across the several microservice?
  • Each object's origin microservice will attach global roles to such an object. (meaning the core microservice will do this for members and bodies.)
    • Additionally, these microservices should support adding extra global roles to these objects to be defined by other microservices that might require an extra global role.
  • Each microservice is responsible for defining the contextual roles themselves
    • This can be implemented by querying the object's origin microservice
  • The permissions system as a whole might be refactored and encapsulated in a separate microservice in the future

Future releases

  • Separate role microservice

Not Doing

  • Only global roles (no contextual roles)
    • It was deemed necessary to support contextual (scoped) roles