How to start a microservice
This article described how to start a new microservice, written in Node.js.
Create a new repository on GitHub under AEGEE namespace
Create a new folder on your local machiine
Install Node.js and Git
Create a new repo:
npm init
, then type all the required information. This will create package.json file, which is kind of a manifest for the application.Take any of the existing repos for reference, for example GitHub - AEGEE/events: Backend for events (non statutory) service of MyAEGEE (they mostly have the same structure, see below)
Install all the deps you will need via npm install (see below)
Tweak dockerfile and docker compose files (see below)
Connect it all to oms-docker setup (see below)
Now into more details.
Files structure
These files/folders are common for all the modules.
config/ - folder for storing configs
lib/ - application data, functions etc.
lib/bugsnag.js - Bugsnag, the error tracking tool
lib/constants.js - constants used over the project
lib/errors.js - errors processing
lib/helpers.js - helpers used over the project
lib/logger.js - logging library (Bunyan)
lib/mailer.js - oms-mailer integration
lib/metrics.js - Prometheus metrics
lib/middlewares.js - common middlewares (authorizing, errors processing etc.)
lib/morgan.js - Morgan (library for logging requests)
lib/run.js - file to run the whole app
lib/server.js - list of all endpoints and the place where they are mounted
lib/sequelize.js - Sequelize, the ORM for Postgres
docker/ - Docker stuff, see below
models/ - ORM models for Sequelize
migrations/ - db migrations
test/ - everything related to testing
test/api - testing API requests
test/assets - all files/other services' responses used for testing
test/scripts - helpers/stub data generators/mocks
package.json - app manifesto basically
How Express works
All microservices use Express as a web framework. The idea is the following: on each endpoint (HTTP verb + path) some middlewares are mounted and executed consequently.
Dependencies you may need
You can install deps via npm install <name>
express - Express router
sequelize - Sequelize, the ORM for postgres database
morgan - logging requests
bunyan - logger
express-promise-router - a wrapper to have async middlewares
multer - processing files uploaded
request + request-promise-native - requests to other services
moment - working with dates
Dev dependencies (install via npm install -D <name>)
jest - testing framework
eslint - static code analysis
codecov - integration with CodeCov, code coverage service
nyc - test runner
nock - mock all external requests
commitlint - forces you to follow the conventional commit names
husky - custom git hooks
semantic-release - used in CI to automatucally bump versions on commits to master
Docker stuff
Everything that is in docker/ folder relates to how the app is executed (all microservices in our setup are set of docker containers). There's a folder structure as well:
docker/docker-compose.yml - a .yml file which is a manifesto of docker: which containers to run, which volumes to mount, what env params to pass etc.
docker/ - same but for dev setup (for dev setup, both docker-compose.yml and then are used)
docker/*/Dockerfile - Dockerfile (basically a sequence of steps used to build the container)
On development mode, you build the container on a host machine.
On production, when you merge to master, a CI should build the container and push it to Dockerhub, then you pull the ready-to-use container on production server and use it.
Also there's a thing called traefik, which processes all requests going to the system, then mapping them to services based on URLs/hosts/headers/whatever. It's configured via docker-compose.yml labels. For example, everything that has '/services/oms-events/api' as a prefix is sent to oms-events with this prefix stripped.
Wiring it all to oms-docker
You do this:
edit the oms-docker/.env file and change this:
add your service to ENABLED_SERVICES
add PATH_OMS_<insert-your-service-name> vars pointing to your <service-name>/docker folder, which (the variable) should also be in docker/*.yml folder
make start
, then the app should start
If you want to store some static information to store (like users' avatars etc), you'll probably need another nginx container to serve static to end users, check out oms-events and oms-statutory on using it.
Also it's strongly advised to have a lot of tests on a backend so you'd have 100% code coverage everywhere, it helps a lot.
This describes how to start a backend, for frontend this is a (not complete) list to have it running:
add some new components
add some new menu entries
add it to router to process some URLs on the frontend
test it together with the backend to validate it's running
make a PR to oms-frontend, wait till it's merged