General CLI tools to facilitate stuff

General CLI tools to facilitate stuff

ToolWhere (local/server)Description

What for

DivelocalA tool for exploring each layer in a docker imageDev, keeping the image thin


A Docker manager for the terminalChecking which container is running (alternative to the less secure portainer)
Lazygitlocalsimple terminal UI for git commands Helper for git
htopbothA tool to explore system load, memory load, running processes and otherInvestigating high system or memory load, process listing
GoAccessbothWebservers log parser and displayerCan be useful to aggregate webserver logs

Red is a terminal log analysis tools.

To aggregate and analyze log trends
glancesbothGlances is a cross-platform monitoring toollike htop but on steroids
ncdubothReal-time du, pretty much like gnome's baobab or Mac OS's DaisyDisk, but CLI.To analyze what's taking up disk space