

Intended to have a clear definition for some words that might otherwise be too vague.


A service or piece of software external to the main one which can be distributed to one or more servers or machines. (e.g. Events microservice)


A small feature inside a microservice (e.g. Event administration inside events microservice or Users management (add/edit) inside the core). Typically can be disabled or enabled. Deprecated by now.


A permissional role, ie. a role that specifiec what kind of permission a user has within the system


A circle (group) a user can be in. This can be more loosely, for example indicating interest in a certain area, but can also be used more strict: the circle of a board or a local.


Confluence is the online wiki we use to store, categorize and order our documents to create and maintain an understandable overview of our project, its design philosophies, and its goals. You are on it right now.


JIRA is the online issue tracker we use to set (small) goals, report bugs, suggest new features and much more!


A term used in oms-events for the stages a type of event can go through, like "Draft", "Needs CD-Approval", "Submitted". Each of these stage typically has access rights and transitions (also with rights) to other stages.

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