Code quality tools/services
Name | Link | Description |
dependabot | Updates the services dependencies automatically | |
commitlint | GitHub - conventional-changelog/commitlint: 📓 Lint commit messages | Lint the commit messages so it’d match the conventional changelog schema |
husky | Node.js projects git-hooks, used to run stuff such as commitlint | |
conventional-changelog-cli | Generates the changelog based on commit tags and conventional commits schema | |
eslint | Static code validator + linter for JS. Used in PR checks and can be run locally. | |
hadolint | GitHub - hadolint/hadolint: Dockerfile linter, validate inline bash, written in Haskell | Dockerfile linter. Used in PR checks and can be run locally. |
shellcheck | Bash scripts linter. Used in PR checks and can be run locally. | |
yamllint | .yml files linter. Used in PR checks and can be run locally. | |
Jest | Test runner for JS. |
Name | Link | Description |
CircleCI | CI. Used for running PR checks and for some other tasks (like docker image buildings) | |
Codecov | Code coverage service. Used in PR checks to get code coverage and to see the code coverage per commit. | |
npm audit (it’s both CLI tool and a service) | Checks if we have some security vulnerabilities in our dependencies. Used in PR checks and can be run locally. |