This page lists the stakeholders, entities that have something to gain or lose with the project. They are categorized and a description is given for them. They are not ordered in priority, for this there is a priority rating on a scale of 1 to 5. The responsibilities is used for two things: in case of a stakeholder capable of having responsibilities (ie. it is a person or body), the responsibilities for that body are listed, else the responsible person that should act in that stakeholder's behalf is listed. In general the project-lead is responsible for making sure every stakeholder is heard, the developers combined with the project-lead are responsible for the system stakeholders and the CD combined with the project-lead is responsible for providing adequate use case testing for users of the system. While it is the steering committee's responsibility to keep a regular check on the project, the end responsibility lies at the Agora.
Currently the priority is a rough guess and should not be used for anymore than to get a rough estimation of a stakeholder's priority.
These stakeholders currently disregard the open source aspect of the project.
Category | Stakeholder | Description | Development Responsiblity | Priority (x/5) | |
1 | System | Data storage | Ensures that it is efficient, fair cost and reliable | Taken up by developers / project-lead | 5 |
2 | Scale-ability | Ensures that the program is salable, applied to storage, website access, etc. | Taken up by developers / project-lead | 4 | |
3 | Security | Ensures integrity, non-repudiation, access levels, separation of permissions | Taken up by developers / project-lead | 3 | |
4 | Uptime and availability | Ensures that the uptime of the to-be system is acceptable | Taken up by developers / project-lead | 4 | |
5 | Performance | Ensures that the complete system operates in a suitable time, make sure the performance is consistent | Taken up by developers / project-lead | 4 | |
6 | Maintenance | Ensures that maintenance on the system can be done in a convenient way and that future improvements can be added or adjusted with relative ease | Taken up by developers / project-lead | 5 | |
7 | Usability | Ensures that the system is easy to use for all type of clients | Taken up by developers / project-lead, based on use cases with several types of users of the system | 4 | |
8 | Deployability | Ensures that the system is easily deployable on multiple types of hardware-setups | Taken up by developers / project-lead | 3 | |
9 | Dependencies | Ensures that we keep an eye out on the dependencies we have, especially the closed-sourced ones | Taken up by developers / project-lead, in cooperation with the DPPS Ombudsman (MedCom) | 3 | |
10 | Transition | Ensures that the migration from the previous (current) system to the new one is as smooth as possible | Taken up by developers / project-lead | 2 | |
11 | Bodies | Boards | Ensures that the needs of the boards are included in the design of the system | Boards are responsible based on a reactive base. (ie, they should be asked for use case testing etc.). The project-lead is responsible for providing these opportunities. | 4 |
12 | CD | Ensures that the needs of the Comité Directeur are included in the design of the system | CD should be able to work on a reactive base, providing their insights into needs of several bodies. CD is responsible for making sure the project-lead provides the opportunities for this. | 5 | |
13 | Committees | Ensures that the needs of the Committees are included in the design of the system | Committees are responsible based on a reactive base. (ie, they should be asked for use case testing etc.). The project-lead is responsible for providing these opportunities. | 4 | |
14 | JC | Ensures that the system is set up in such a way that it should be able to cope relatively well with any CIA changes that could be reasonably anticipated for | JC is responsible based on a reactive base. (ie, they should be asked for use case testing etc.). The project-lead is responsible for providing these opportunities. | 3 | |
15 | Locals | Ensures that the needs of the Locals are included in the design of the system | Locals are responsible based on a reactive base. (ie, they should be asked for use case testing etc.). The project-lead is responsible for providing these opportunities. | 3 | |
16 | Commissions | Ensures that the needs of the Commissions are included in the design of the system | Commissions are responsible based on a reactive base. (ie, they should be asked for use case testing etc.). The project-lead is responsible for providing these opportunities. | 3 | |
17 | Working groups | Ensures that the needs of the Working groups are included in the design of the system | Working groups are responsible based on a reactive base. (ie, they should be asked for use case testing etc.). The project-lead is responsible for providing these opportunities. | 2 | |
18 | SUCT | Ensures that the needs of the SUCT are included in the design of the system | SUCT is responsible based on a reactive base. (ie, they should be asked for use case testing etc.). The project-lead is responsible for providing these opportunities. | 1 | |
19 | Agora | Ensures that the needs of the Agora are included in the design of the system | Has final say in roadmap. CD / project-lead is responsible for including the Agora's needs into the system | 2 | |
20 | Users | AEGEE members | Ensures that the needs of an AEGEE member are included in the design of the system | AEGEE-members are responsible based on a reactive base. (ie, they should be asked for use case testing etc.). The project-lead is responsible for providing these opportunities. | 4 |
21 | non-AEGEE members | Ensures that the needs for an external user are included in the design of the system | No responsiblity for non-AEGEE members, CD is expected to take this upon itself on a reactive base | 1 | |
22 | Developers | Current | Ensures that the current developers have a reason to work on the project | Taken up by the project-lead, CD and Agora | 5 |
23 | Future | Ensures that potential new developers have reason to join the development as well as ensuring this to be a pleasant process | Taken up by the project-lead | 5 | |
24 | Project lead | Ensures that it is easy to keep an overview of the project and make decisions on what future steps to take | Responsible for an overview of the project as well as making sure to cater to the needs and requests of all the stakeholders | 5 | |
25 | Other | Steering committee | Ensures that the development of the project happens in a desirable way while producing the desired results | Responsible for making sure the overal project moves in a desirable direction as well as checking on the project-lead's doings. | 5 |
26 | Event organizers | Ensures that the system can be easily used when organizing an event and actually contributes to helping to organize an event. | Organizers are responsible based on a reactive base. (ie, they should be asked for use case testing etc.). The project-lead is responsible for providing these opportunities. | 3 |
Question: what do the colors mean?
> Nothing, they are only for readability