Strategy Module

Strategy Module

The vision

Every AEGEEan is enabled to engage with the Strategic Framework.

The Strategy of AEGEE is the centre piece that aligns the efforts of all the volunteers towards common agreed goals. It drafted, implemented and evaluated by the members of AEGEE, and our objective is to support their actions and dedication.

The process

The solution design is to be data-based, focusing on the most relevant and impactful aspects first. That’s why we analysed the situation based on the two factors that mattered the most for the beginning.

The Users: Every AEGEEan

The Needs: To be enabled to engage with the Strategic Framework

The Users

The users are all AEGEEans but through user segmentation we can identify better who is going to be interacting with the Strategic Framework and why. The table below offers a non-ordered overview of the users.

Comité Directeur (CD)

They carry the final responsibility of the Strategic Plan.
They overview the whole process, coordinate the European Bodies implementing or influencing the Strategy, and they report and evaluate the actions done.

Boards of Antennae (BoA)

Antennae are the owners of the Strategic Framework.
They implement part of the Action Agenda and are involved in the Organisational Improvements, they are responsible for drafting and deciding the direction of the Strategy.
The boards are the main leaders and communication hubs for the whole Antenna.

Working Groups (WG)

They carry the final responsibility of the Action Agenda.
They implement a part of the Action Agenda and support other bodies and Antennae working for it, they are the main reference and communicators of their Focus Area both internally and externally.

Main Actors (MA)

They are the main implementors of the Organisational Improvements.
They are the experts in their field and support the CD by carrying the implementation of the internally established objectives.

Strategy Committee (StC)

They are the main supporting body of the Comité Directeur for the Strategic Framework.
They focus on communicating the Strategy and engaging the Network, measuring the actions done and being a support for CD, WGs, MA and Antennae.

Other AEGEEans (oA)

The Strategic Framework belongs to the whole organisation, therefore any other AEGEEan not fulfilling any of the above roles is also a relevant user.
They are part of the Antennae drafting, implementing and directing the Strategy.

The Needs

Every identified user has a specific needs set for the module depending on the role. Through clustering and deeper analysis they could be summarised in the following 5 main needs.

IC - Internal Communication

The Strategic Plan and Action Agenda are internal documents of AEGEE and should remain internal to the organisation. There is the need to have a platform to freely talk and interact about strategic items with only authorised people.

DI - Direct Involvement

As the Strategic Plan belongs to the whole Network, there is the need to easily and directly involve all different actors. This might mean giving/receiving feedback, checking on the direction of the Strategy, etc.

E - Engagement

The engagement of all actors is needed to a successful implementation of the Strategy, be it by the sharing of tools, open calls, documents, or any other item.

DI/O - Data Input/Output

A transparent Data I/O process is needed for transparency, reporting and accountability. The Input part refers to collecting information from all needed actors to know the status. The Output refers to the reporting of the Strategy, as processing the input received allows the organisation to know its success. The fast-changing world also requires the system to be able to perform in a semi-live way, allowing to check the contribution at any moment.

O - Overview

The Strategic Plan and Action Agenda are two documents that strongly influence the actions taken by AEGEE, and an overview of all processes and actors is needed for transparency and efficiency. Any user should be able to quickly get the information needed from the Strategic Framework.

The features









#001 - Strategy Info


This feature aims at bringing static information about the key Strategic elements:
- Strategic Plan
- Focus Areas
- Organisational Improvements
- Action Agenda

Users: all
Needs: O, E, IC

#002 - Action Agenda input


This feature aims at collecting the contribution to the Action Agenda in an interactive centralised manner from:
- Locals
- Working Groups
- Other European Bodies

Users: BoA, WG, CD, StC
Needs: DI/O, O, IC