This pages shows which people are (or have been) involved in the OMS project.
Project Plan. Aside from that I am mostly involved with developing the core, but in the end you see me touching on all parts of the system (which is the most fun anyway )
Hey, my name is Fabrizio and I started the project 3 years ago because complaints don’t take you anywhere, but actions do. So I want YOU to join the project and make a better AEGEE! Also I am in the Comité Directeur as you may or may not know according to how randomly you vote.
Hey everybody, I'm Sergey from AEGEE-Voronezh and I'm involved in oms-events development. Sadly I'm not working a lot on OMS a lot lately because of the lack of time, but I'll hope to change it in the future!
I'm Annelot from AEGEE-Nijmegen and I'm currently helping out with the PR