Project roadmap
Project roadmap
This page tries to guess when we (developers) would like to release certain features. Considering that we are volunteering our free time on this, date estimation may be way off.
High level:
More low level:
Components needing manual work:
Fix DB inconsistencies, like the “!” surname
Core components needing update:
LDAP integration
Name validations in DB
GDPR consent
Bodies need to be seen without authorisation
Mailer components needing update:
Use sendgrid when “development” mode
Use Gsuite servers
Send as any Gsuite user
Events components needing update:
Calendar of events can be improved
Statutory components needing update:
Frontend components needing update:
(depends on the component of the backend)
Make it possible for CD to edit
pageAdd some sort of redis to add dynamically the k/v for the CORS to confluence
New components (microservices):
“network” (or extension of the core)
SU website
, multiple selections available,