4 [historical] Functional requirements - events
Events module is one of the main modules of OMS, responsibility of this module is to maintain the flow of the event life cycle to ensure quality and impact of events and form applicant point of view provide needed information in structured and concise way.
The modules merge into one currently 3 systems (Statutory events, Summer University and General Events) for event applications into one. Specific functions of each application systems were taken into account and parallel functions are defined in the system.
Event life cycle
Functions of the module are based on event life cycle, which defines the whole process of the event, from idea creation, concept submission to participants’ application process and to ends with event evaluation. Figure 1 visualised such a process.
Figure 2: Event life cycle
Event development phases
Event development is based on division of event conceptual design followed by event detail description. Reason behind is to divide conceptual design such as aim and objectives of the event, which are fundamental part of event design with detail description which are based on event aim and objectives. This division is to help develop better event concepts with clear and concise event designs (objectives are supporting aim of the event) which leads to more quality events.
Figure 1: Event Development Phases
Sessions sub-module
Application to organise event is based on two options:
Developing own concept
Application of defined concept
Such a concept builds on current practice of event frameworks prepared by European Level bodies. Content and logistic part of the event are divided and can have different responsible. This means content of the event can be prepared by other body and local will be responsible for implementation of this content to certain level (it can be fully implemented by local or external trainers will deliver the sessions) and take care of logistics. OMS concept is based that event concept is defined in advance and organising local choose these concept to implement or define own concept.
In Event Module design is such a process institutionalised by prepared concepts stored in Sessions sub-module of the Event Module.
As Figure 2 shows event which was organised can become event concept, this way it should be possible to spread event ideas among the network. Also European Level body can first create testing event to try how such event concept will work and after implementation create event concept in session sub-module.
European Event Concepts
Above described process is related to European Event Concepts which is one of three parts of Sessions sub-module. For these events application will be done via OMS entirely including evaluation process.
Local Activity Concepts
Another function is Local Activity Concepts which works on similar basis as European Event Concepts, providing concept for Local Activity to organise in the city of the local. In this case concept is prepared in the way that local can just implement it no approval takes a place.
Individual Sessions
This function is based on SALTO YOUTH Toolbox, which stores outlines of sessions, games which any event organiser can use. In AEGEE case it should work on similar principle.
Name Game
Group Division
Group Building Activity
Thematic session
Soft Skills session
Workshop - interactive
Presentation – on given topic with notes for presenter
5 min
10 min
45 min
60 min
90 min
Topic of the session – based on Strategic plan and thematic focus
Aim of the session
Material Needed
Differences in application procedures
Event life cycle take into account 3 different categories of events in terms of application system and merge them into one, but keeps specific requirements.
Events with individual application
Events with individual application are classical European Events which take place in AEGEE. Here standard procedures will take place which will be evaluated by QUAC (Quality Assurance Committee previously Events Committee)
Events with group application
Events with group application are these events which have special application procedure. Such type as at this time used for Summer University, however OMS should count with option that such a system can be used also for other projects.
In general such events are:
Events of same type grouped by umbrella project
Special application take place
Specific questions in application form
Participant application for several events at once (in general 3)
Pre-selection which reduce number of participant applications to one
Specific timeline and deadlines for whole project
Statutory Events and NWMs
For statutory events and NWMs another special application takes places, for these types of events event development is prepared by defined body Chair, EBM Content Team or NetCom and is evaluated by them.
Timeline of Events process
| Duration |
Event concept - evaluation by Quality Assurance Committee | 7 | max |
Event details - evaluation by Quality Assurance Committee | 7 | max |
Application period | 14 | min, deadline max 45 days prior to event take place |
Results of selection | 5 | max |
Confirmation of pax (payment, tickets or just email) | 7 | max |
event internal page (travel info, documents, programme, etc) | 20 |
Event take place | 2 |
Evaluation survey to participants | 14 | max |
Evaluation phase (final report, financial report, pictures, results) | 21 | max |
Application to organise European Event
Application process is based on event life cycle and for this reason two forms are in place. First short one and second more elaborated to provide event details
Questions in this form are based Event Quality Indicators of European Youth Forum
Event Concept Form
Used for European Events and Summer University
Title of the event – Text field 90 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
Organising Local(s) – the names of the locals are links to their main page on OMS
Main Organiser – reads Name and email from OMS Core from Organising Local(s)
person which submits the form
European Level Support: - name of the body, links to their main page on OMS
Type of event
Explanatory text: 300 char
Choose from list
Training event (Type 2)
NWM (Type 2)
Conference (Type 3)
Seminar (Type 3)
Case Study Trip (Type 3)
Exchange (Type 3)
Cultural event (Type 1)
Celebratory event (Type 1)
Summer University
Event Dates
Arrival date of the event – Date DD/MM/YYY
Departure date of the event – Date DD/MM/YYY
THEMATIC FOCUS of the event: * Based on the Focus Areas of the Strategic Plan of AEGEE
Explanatory text: 300 char
Choose from list
Youth Mobility
Youth Employment
Spreading Europtimism
Civic Education
CATEGORY of the event: *
Explanatory text: 300 char
Choose from list
Visa Regulations
Politics and Youth Participation
Human Rights and Youth Rights
Other: -text field
Can you explain why you consider that your event is relevant to the needs of the members and contributes to the aim of the association?
For all types of events except type 1
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
What are the OBJECTIVES of the event?
For all types of events
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
What kind of ACTIVITIES are you planning to organise to achieve your objectives reflected in the CONTENT?
For all types of events
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
What kind of METHODOLOGY are you planning to use during the event and why?
For all types of events except type 1
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
Evaluation Status – visible for applicants – editable for evaluators
Received – automatically accessed when submitted
Under Evaluation – automatically accessed application was open by evaluators
Reason – Large Text field 500 Char
Reason – Large Text field 500 Char
Comments from Evaluators
Large Text field 500 Char
Event Details Form
Participation fee - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Optional fee: - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Optional fee used for – if optional fee has value, text 300 char
Meals Provided - selection 2 of 3
Accommodation type
Type - multiple choice
Hostel / Dormitory
People per room
1-4 per room
5-8 per room
9+ per room
Venue place - from city name and country GPS coordinates calculation
City – text 50 char max
Country –Choose from list – Countries in Europe
Number of participants – integer
? Budget: ??Should it be asked or only after event?
Lodging - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Catering - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Rooms - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Equipment - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Transport/travel - number with two decimal digits in EUR
PR and printing - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Communication (phone calls) - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Insurance - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Other - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Total: Sum of all numbers
Participation fees – calculation Number of participants x Fee
Grant(s) - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Sponsoring- number with two decimal digits in EUR
Sold goods- number with two decimal digits in EUR
Own resources- number with two decimal digits in EUR
Total Income- number with two decimal digits in EUR
Check if Total Income – Expenditure = 0
Event open for non-AEGEE members yes/no //if Summer University, then force this on NO.
Suitable for disabled participants – YES/NO , if yes which one
on a wheelchair
motorically disabled not on a wheelchair
What kind of ACTIVITIES are you planning to organise to achieve your objectives reflected in the CONTENT? * -
For all types of events
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
What kind of METHODOLOGY are you planning to use during the event and why? *
For all types of events except type 1
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
How will you make sure the necessary RESOURCES are provided and available during the event? *
For all types of events
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
Be SUSTAINABLE! In what way are you going to ensure your event will be Green? *
For all types of events
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
Trainers/Facilitators/Content-responsibles need to have the necessary COMPETENCES! How are you going to select them?
For all types of events except type 1
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
Trainers/Facilitators/Organisers need to be PREPARED! How are you going to ensure everything is prepared on time
For all types of events except type 1
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
How are you going to manage the effective COMMUNICATION before and during the event? *
For all types of events
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
Are your LEARNERS aware of their learning experience? *
For all types of events except type 1
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
EVALUATION - your event is over, but what are the results and how are you going to evaluate them? *
For all types of events
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
Application period
Start - Date DD/MM/YYYY
End - Date DD/MM/YYYY
Confirmation – chose from the list, multiple options
Travel Tickets
50% of the fee
100% of the fee
Event description – paragraph text, 1500 char limit
Event Promotional Video – link to YouTube video or Vimeo video
Event Website –text 100 char max
Event Facebook Page - text 100 char max
Logo of the event – dimensions 200x200px
Pictures- max 4, limit 1 MB per picture
Custom questions for application forms
if a custom question is left empty, then this question does not show in the application form
Number of custom questions is defined by organiser
Number of Custom Questions – Integer
Custom Question Title 1: - text 200 char max
Custom Question Title 2: - text 200 char max
Custom Question Title x: - text 200 char max
Evaluation Status – visible for applicants – editable for evaluators
Received – automatically accessed when submitted
Under Evaluation – automatically accessed application was open by evaluators
Reason – Large Text field 500 Char
Comments from Evaluators
Large Text field 500 Char
Additional For SU:
Places visited – 4 places, 4x city name, 4x description
City name – 50 char
description of the place – 300 char max
Activities – 400 char max
Ideal participant – 400 max
Statutory event or NWM form
Title of the event – Text field 90 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
Organising Local(s) – the names of the locals are links to their main page on OMS
Type of event
Explanatory text: 300 char
Choose from list
Event Dates
Arrival date of the event – Date DD/MM/YYY
Departure date of the event – Date DD/MM/YYY
Participation fee - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Optional fee: - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Optional fee used for – if optional fee has value, text 300 char
Meals Provided - selection 2 of 3
Accommodation type
Hostel / Dormitory
People per room
1-4 per room
5-8 per room
9+ per room
Venue place - from city name and country GPS coordinates calculation
City – text 50 char max
Country –Choose from list – Countries in Europe
Number of participants – integer
Event open for non-AEGEE members: NO – default answer
Suitable for disabled participants – YES/NO , if yes which one
on a wheelchair
motorically disabled not on a wheelchair
Application period
Start - Date DD/MM/YYYY
End - Date DD/MM/YYYY
Confirmation – chose from the list, multiple options
Travel Tickets
50% of the fee
100% of the fee
Event description – paragraph text, 1500 char limit
Event Promotional Video – link to YouTube video or Vimeo video
Event Website –text 100 char max
Event Facebook Page - text 100 char max
Logo of the event – dimensions 200x200px
Pictures- max 4, limit 1 MB per picture
Custom questions for application forms
if a custom question is left empty, then this question does not show in the application form
Number of custom questions is defined by organiser
Number of Custom Questions – Integer
Custom Question Title 1: - text 200 char max
Custom Question Title 2: - text 200 char max
Custom Question Title x: - text 200 char max
Statutory/NWM questions for application forms
if a custom question is left empty, then this question does not show in the application form
Number of custom questions is defined by Chair/NetCom
Number of Statutory Questions – Integer
Statutory Question Title 1: - text 200 char max
Statutory Question Title 2: - text 200 char max
Statutory Question Title x: - text 200 char max
Application Evaluation Flow
Evaluation process of the application should take max 7 days in each step of the application. Firstly is submitted Event concept, application is accessed by evaluators (QUAC or SUCT), Evaluation status is accessed:
Accepted - Event Concept or Events Details follows all formal criteria, minor issues can still occur
Rejected – Event Concept is not suitable for AEGEE, reasons are provided in explanation field
Re-work – Event Concept or Events Details needs to be improved, reasons are provided in explanation field
And comments from evaluators which contains recommendations or suggestion regarding the event.
Application form for Event application
Application form for applicants is composed of these parts, depending on type of event
Person identification – read from OMS Core
Custom Questions from Organisers
Standard event Questions
SU questions
Statutory event or NWM questions
Impact Measurement questions – predefined by Impact/Statistic OMS Module
Person identification
Follow items are read from OMS Core and will be visible for organisers
First name
Second Name
Body(ies) Name
Date of birth
Mobile Phone Number
Member since
Previous participation in AEGEE events - require applicant acceptance to share this info
Standard Event Questions
Motivation – large text field 1000 char
Yes – shows additional questions
Check Box
on a wheelchair
motorically disabled not on a wheelchair
Text field 300 char
Check box
Meat, but no pork
Vegetarian (no meat or fish)
Vegan (no meat, fish, or diary)
Diet, Allergies
Text field 300 char
T-shirt size
Check box
Visa invitation needed
No – other options not shown
Yes – shows additional questions
Passport number – text box 100 char max
Place of birth – text box 100 char max
Passport issuing authority – text box 100 char max
Passport issuing date – Date DD/MM/YYY
Passport expiration date – Date DD/MM/YYY
Nationality – from OMS
Emergency Contact
Name and Surname
Relation towards applicant
Spoken Languages
Yes, fluent
Yes, basic
contacting language
Phone Number
SU Questions
Defined by SUCT in SU Control Panel
Statutory Questions
Defined by Chair in Statutory & NWM Control Panel
Impact Measurement
Defined in Impact/Statistic OMS Module
Evaluation Form
Participation fee - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Optional fee: - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Optional fee used for – if optional fee has value, text 300 char
Meals Provided - selection 2 of 3
Accommodation type
Hostel / Dormitory
People per room
1-4 per room
5-8 per room
9+ per room
Why the topic of your event was relevant to the needs of the members, the society and contributed to the aim of the association? – For all types of events except type 1
OBJECTIVES of your event?
View from Event details
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
Have those objectives been fulfilled (please evaluate for each objective)? Yes/no, why?*
How did you make sure that the PROGRAM of your event reflected the objectives you have set ? –
For all types of events*
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
What kind of METHODOLOGY did you use during your event: please, describe why did you use these methodologies? Were they the most adequate to this type of the event? - –
For all types of events except type 1
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
Were all the necessary technical RESOURCES (material, logistics, etc) and human resources available during the event? Did you have any problem with that? –
For all types of events *
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
Did you have a strategy to use the resources in a SUSTAINABLE way during the event? If yes, describe what was it –
For all types of events*
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
In case you collaborated with ANOTHER BODY (working group, project team etc), state who was it. How did you communicate with them and carry out the preparation phase? –
For all types of events except type 1
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
How did you select the trainers/facilitators of your event in order to make sure that they had the necessary knowledge and COMPETENCES to carry out the task?
For all types of events except type 1
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
How did you make sure that the trainers/facilitators coming to your event were well PREPARED? –
For all types of events except type 1
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
How did the people involved in the organization of the project COMMUNICATE in the preparation phase, during the event, and in the evaluation phase? –
For all types of events*
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
Did you carry out (and take into account): – For all types of events except type 1 The analysis of the NEEDS among your participants (prior to the event). How? EXPECTATION round of the participants (beginning of the event). How?
How did you make sure that your participants have LEARNED something out of your event? –
For all types of events*
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
How did you carry out the EVALUATION phase of your event? Who was involved in the process? (Indicator 10) –
For all types of events*
Large text field: 1000 char
Explanatory text: 300 char
Please, upload a few pictures of the event:
Only jpg/png/gif/bmp file types are supported
Mention in Media - Form which stores data in OMS PR module
Name of Media – text field 100 char
Type of Media – choose from list
Regional TV
National TV
YouTube, Vimeo
Link to the media, if online
Upload file
Comments – large textbox 300 char
Financial report
Lodging - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Catering - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Rooms - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Equipment - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Transport/travel - number with two decimal digits in EUR
PR and printing - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Communication (phone calls) - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Insurance - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Other - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Total: Sum of all numbers
Participation fees – calculation Number of participants x Fee
Grant(s) - number with two decimal digits in EUR
Sponsoring- number with two decimal digits in EUR
Sold goods- number with two decimal digits in EUR
Own resources- number with two decimal digits in EUR
Total Income- number with two decimal digits in EUR
Check if Total Income – Expenditure = 0
Calendar of Events
Main purpose of Calendar of events is to visualize list of events, it shows data processed by events module.
List of events view and info bubble on map
Such view provides filtered information of events based on criteria. As default view are the events which will take place in future and which is possibility to apply
Title of the event – link to event details
Application deadline
Short description. – 300 Char limit. , not visible in map
List of Events
Map of events
Event Detail Data to show on website:
Title of the event – Name of the event
Logo of the event – if exist
Organiser(s) – which locals or body
In cooperation with: - name of body, if no cooperation not shown
Who can apply?
Members only
Open for all
Type of the event:
Training event (Type 2)
NWM (Type 2)
Conference (Type 3)
Seminar (Type 3)
Case Study Trip (Type 3)
Exchange (Type 3)
Cultural event (Type 1)
Celebratory event (Type 1)
Summer University
Whenever other mass project as SU arise it’s possible to add as additional type, for example Winter University
Thematic Focus - Focus Areas of the Strategic Plan of AEGEE
Youth Mobility
Youth Employment
Spreading Europtimism
Civic Education
CATEGORY of the event:
Visa Regulations
Politics and Youth Participation
Human Rights and Youth Rights
Dates – staring date – end date
Application deadline -date
Event Fee – number with two decimal digits in EUR
Optional fee- if not, not show, number with two decimal digits in EUR
Optional fee used for - if not, not show
Number of Participants - Number
Confirmation – email / XX % of payment / tickets
Lodging – gym, tent, hostel, hotel
Provided meals
Suitable for disabled participants – YES/NO , if yes which one
Event Website - show if link exist
Event Facebook Page - show if link exist
Event description – paragraph text, 1500 char limit
Event Promotional Video – embed YouTube video or Vimeo video, show if link exist
Pictures – show if some
Add into my calendar – ics or ical export of the event
Attachments: - file to show on public page
SU special tab:
For Summer university is need to provide more information related to the event and especially to event venue, for this reason for SU there will be additional page showing these information.
Places visited – description of places of the SU – 300 char max for each city
Activities – 400 char max
Ideal participant – 400 char max
Functions of Calendar of events
RSS export of events
Data which should be exported via RSS
Title of the event – link to event details
Application deadline
Short description
XML export of events
XML output file with all events following parameters the request, function should be similar to filter function on list of events, show events based on dates, category or type, matching these categories.
Title of the event – link to event details
Application deadline
Short description
Online calendar export – ical or ics export
Data from event database accessible as online calendar which can linked to Google Calendar, Outlook, Apple Calendar or any other service which use ical or ics format of calendar data.
In such a calendar all events should be presented.
For each event two calendar events will be created
One day event marking Deadline of Title of the event
Event marking when event take place
Exported data:
Title of the event – link to event details
Dates or Application deadline
Venue - Location
Type – first line in description
Category – second line in description
Short description –in description
Event page
Data of each event are visualised on event page, which should view all data and related process of event life cycle.
User roles:
Event evaluator
General events QUAC
Summer University SUCT
Statutory events Chair
general public
access without login
AEGEE member
Any member which is logged in
Accepted participants
Applicants which have event application status Accepted
Local organisers
Access rights
Event evaluators and managers – aka SUCT, QUAC, CD and Chair
Access all pages and edit presented values
Event details
SU details – when event is SU
Apply for event which is open to all – creation of external user account is requested
AEGEE member
event details
SU details – when event is SU
Statistic – for Statutory events and SU
Live stream – for events which have it
Statutory events details
Sessions and Workshops – just view
Progress Meetings
Activity reports
Proposals and motions
Voting results
Apply for
event when deadline not passed yet
event which issued Open Call
Candidate for position at Agora
All applicants – SU case
Apply for SU Open Call
Accepted participants
View pages
What to bring
Travel details
When event pass
Apply for
event session
Progress meeting
Delegates of Agora
View and edit pages
What to bring
Travel details
Mass mailing
Final Report
Financial Report
Mass mailing
Sessions / Workshop applications
Description of pages
Event workflow
Page which overviews event life cycle and shows number and facts of the process:
Concept evaluation status by whom and when
Under evaluation
Event details evaluation status by whom and when
Under evaluation
Application process status
Opened – Number of applications
Opened, Deadline Extended - Number of applications
Not open
Closed, Deadline passed - Number of applications
Selection process status
Participants not selected
Participants not selected within deadline 5 days
Participants selected
Participants selected + open call - open call is possible to open when no applicant(s) is on waiting list
Number of filled evaluations/ number of pax – XX %
Final Report
Under evaluation
Needs to re-work
Financial Report
Under evaluation
Needs to re-work
Event application
Application form to organise event or SU.
Event details
Calendar of events
SU details
For Summer university is need to provide more information related to the event and especially to event venue, for this reason for SU there will be additional page showing these information.
Places visited – description of places of the SU – 300 char max for each city
Activities – 400 char max
Ideal participant – 400 max
Short updates from organisers towards participants of the event
Detailed program of the event with indication when which activity will take place and where (room number if needed to define)
Program at these page is the program which is approved by QUAC or SUCT and is the final version before event take place, when significant changes in program take place, it needs to be explained in final report
This view is generated automatically from event application, changes by organisers are possible
View of accepted participants, data which will be shown:
Name and Surname
This view is generated automatically
What to bring
List of things which participants needs to take with them for the event
Travel details
Description of the event venue and how to get to the city of the venue
Contains these information:
How to arrive
To the city
By plane
By bus
By train
To venue place
By public transport
List of documents related to the event. If enable participants can also upload files.
These documents are stored and categorised by Document store OMS Module
Contacts on event organisers.
Contains these information:
Main organiser
Name and Surname
Phone number
Incoming responsible
Name and Surname
Phone number
Visa responsible
Name and Surname
Phone number
Generated automatically from event application
Page visible for participants when event finish.
Based on standard evaluation questions (impact measurement, logistic), evaluation of learning objectives and additional question from organisers
Data are linked with Impact Measurement/ Statistic OMS Module
List of all applicants which applied for the event.
View shows
Name and surname – link on detail of the application
Application data should be enable to download in csv (raw data) or pdf (styled) format.
Organisers asses the applications within 5 days from application deadline and set Status for each application (individually or as group selection).
Application Status
Waiting list
status can take max 7 days, if status not set -> Rejected
Options to set Accepted or Rejected
Participant Status:
Attended – set by organiser
Cancelled – set by participant or organiser
Evaluation Filled – automatic status, after filling evaluation form
Mass mailing
Tool to send personalised email to defined groups via mail merge. Such a mass mail should be possible to send email based on these filter options, which can be combined:
All applicants
According to applicant status
Waiting list
According to participants status
Evaluation Filled
Local or body
Visa request
Participant role - for statutory events
Mass mailing function is made via Email Tools OMS Module which has function of Mass mailing
Final Report
View of impact from evaluation
Mentions in media – links, files – scan or video of media mention – link to PR tools OMS module
Pictures –
pictures of the event for AEGEE photo database, max to upload 10
Flicker API integration, pictures can be uploaded to AEGEE Stock database in Flicker
Video – link of file
Created from this event, event concept
Financial Report
Check between submitted budget and real expenditures
Sessions / Workshop
List of parallel sessions (workshops, progress or meetings) at the event from which participant should or have to choose. Each session has number of places.
Application process can be
Automatic acceptance – no confirmation or selection of applications is made
Participants selection – application is placed and evaluated, than results are published
Results of selections for session or workshop
Automatic, when number of places is lower than sessions participants
By selection via Sessions / Workshop applications
Statutory pages
Activity reports
View of reports of European level bodies. Reports are submitted via European Level tools OMS Module
View is made as list of European Level bodies, bodies which submitted report have name linked to the report (new window).
Budget(s) view from Finance OMS Module which will be voted upon.
View is made as list budgets with links to view details of the budget (new window).
Proposals and Motions
View of proposals and motions from Statutory vote module which will be voted upon
View is made as list proposals with Proposal name, part of CIA which it changes and proposer name(s) and body. Proposal name is linked to view of details of the proposal (new window).
View of candidates for open positions at Agora
?? Should candidatures be managed by Events module or Statutory vote or HR Module??
Voting results
View of voting results from Statutory Vote OMS Module
List of voted on proposals, motions and candidates and results presented.
Only for delegates, voting panel from Statutory Vote OMS Module
Sessions/Workshop applications
Management of parallel sessions at the event, view of number of applications for each sessions.
Possibility to
Create new sessions
Session leader
Panel discussion
Progress meeting
Session Description
Number of participants
Selection method
Automatic - applicants get automatically accessed status accepted when is free place, when is not status waiting list
Manual – Applications status is access via Sessions management
Session participant selection –evaluation of applications for the session
Waiting List