Docker-compose usage
Docker-compose usage
Docker compose provides easy ways on how to manage things, I will list the most important commands here all of them need to be run inside the oms-docker/docker folder
- docker-compose build Build everything without starting it
- docker-compose up -d Starts all docker containers in a demonized fashion.
- docker-compose down Brings all docker containers down
- docker-compose logs -f omsevents See the logs of one service, in this case omsevents. If you omit the -f switch, it will just print out the current logs and not attach to them
- docker-compose exec omsevents bash "Log into" one of the containers, in this case omsevents. Be aware that all changes to the filesystem you do like this will be discarted, if they are outside of mounted volumes.
- docker-compose exec omscore bash Same as above
- docker ps Lists all running containers
- docker volume rm docker_postgres docker_mongodb Can only be run when everything is down, removes the database storages if you want to reset everything
- docker inspect -f '{{.Name}} - {{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' $(docker ps -aq) Displays all docker containers and their corresponding IP addresses
If you want to change configuration files permanently, please be aware that the bootstrapping scripts rewrite the changes in the repositories, you might have to change oms-docker/docker/workspace/.env and oms-docker/docker/omsevents/configFile.json