How to get a working dev environment

How to get a working dev environment

On linux, and working meaning seeing the current development state.

  1. Install docker, docker-compose, git
  2. git clone -b stabilize https://github.com/AEGEE/oms-docker.git --recursive
  3. cd oms-docker/docker-dev
  4. sudo docker-compose up -d
  5. make sandwich, have a walk, exercise, read a book and then come back (or sudo docker-compose logs -f omscore until gulp task started)
  6. Open browser in localhost
  7. Go to modules, activate services (all, also the abusive one)
  8. Refresh browser

Troubleshooting things:

  1. docker-compose logs <container> - gives a good start to check on what a container does. If you want to know which containers are there, check docker-compose.yml
  2. docker-compose exec <container> bash - this way you can play around with a container
  3. Check the commits of the submodules, ask for each repo which is the currently working commit
  4. After changing something, docker-compose down -v && docker-compose up -d

How to get a working staging environment

On linux

  1. install docker, docker-compose, wget
  2. wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AEGEE/oms-docker/stabilize/docker-dev/docker-compose-staging.yml -O docker-compose.yml
  3. docker-compose up -d
  4. Make sandwich, come back
  5. Open browser in localhost
  6. Go to modules, activate services (all, also the abusive one)
  7. Refresh browser

Troubleshooting things

  1. Ask in slack