

Everyone has to start somewhere, this page intents to give you some directions as where to start!

Table of contents


See the installation page for instructions on how to install the system and get it running.

First steps - get to know the system and workflow

These tutorials are designed to give you a quickstart on getting to know the system and how to work with it simply by following a step-by-step guide.


There is not a lot that you need to start these first steps, but it includes a computer and some free time!

Additionally some basic knowledge about terminal usage within Linux (Ubuntu) is assumed. You can find some good starter information on the official Ubuntu documentation, although you should be able to copy all the commands from this tuturial and learn on the go!


Start with these tutorials!

Using the API

This tutorial is designed to show you the API and by that get a quick glance of the system.

Getting to know docker

This tutorial is designed to explain docker and what you can do with it

Doing your first pull request (currently not finished)

This tutorial is designed to familiarize yourself with our git workflow

Programming languages


We are making use of AngularJS 1.x, this seems to be a pretty solid tutorial.



Laracasts provides an immense set of tutorial videos, especially the Laravel from scratch series is a great way to get to know the framework.

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