Differences between task, bug, improvement, new feature, and the like:
- BUG: When something does not work as expected, you file a Bug request
- STORY: When you propose a new scenario for using the software, you write a user story. The user story will break down in:
- NEW FEATURE: When you propose a new feature that is necessary to complete a user story
- TASK: When you are not sure about the category, just use this
- IMPROVEMENT: When a feature is there already (and it works correctly), but it could work better (e.g. easier to use)
Note: If you see a new feature belonging to a user story, then link it there. Otherwise, just file a new user story. The project manager will break it down
The board for the core presents 3 different type of "issues"
- Bug
- Task
- Story
The board for the core presents 5 different type of "issues"
- Bug
- Task
- Improvement
- New Feature
- Story