When creating a new issue please take the following conventions in account. These conventions are split between bugs and non-bugs:
- Suggestions:
- Formulate the summary in a short, clear and imperative way
- Add a couch surfing mechanism
- Give newly registered users an O365 account
- Formulate the description in an explaining, extensive, and natural way
- As an AEGEE-member, I would like to use the OMS to easily find a place to couch surf.
- As a newly registered user, I would like to receive an office-365 account for personal use.
Add examples and other information at the end of the description
- Make it clear, avoid confusion
- Formulate the summary in a short, clear and imperative way
- Improvement:
- Formulate the current behaviour
- When I press the event page I am not able to filter events.
- Formulate the intended behaviour
- When I press the event page I am able to filter on end date of the application period.
- Add examples and other information at the end of the description
- Make it clear, avoid confusion
- Formulate the current behaviour
- Bug reports:
- Formulate the summary in a short and clear way. Leave out the subject of the sentence.
- Cannot save a news story
- Error when loading a page while impersonating
- Formulate the description in a detailed explanation of how to reproduce the bug.
Steps to reproduce:
- Find a user to impersonate
- Press impersonate
- The page reloads and the following notification shows twice:
Permission error!
Not enough permissions!
- Use screenshots or other attachments to make things more clear!
- Add examples and other information at the end of the description
- Make it clear, avoid confusion
- Formulate the summary in a short and clear way. Leave out the subject of the sentence.
- Discussion:
- Formulate the summary in a clear and concrete question
- Add extra information and context to the description
- Keep the summary and description objective, voice your opinion in the comments.