How to migrate your European body's drive data to AEGEE's Gsuite

How to migrate your European body's drive data to AEGEE's Gsuite

This guide is for users belonging to an EB who need to migrate their former drive data into the Gsuite's drive data, for compliancy with GDPR

Assuming the user wants to migrate from an account called prc.aegee@gmail.com 

End result

By following this guide the situation will become as following:

  • Your data from your gmail are now held in your Gsuite account
  • In your new drive, the old data are all structured in the same way.
  • In your old drive, the old files will still be there.
    • Old files should be deleted, and that account closed (in case of an address belonging to an European Body).

Step-by-step guide: 

This method is the most simple: download all the data from one drive, re-upload on the other drive

  1. Login to your source drive with your account (in this example, prc.aegee@gmail.com)
  2. Select all files in the top folder
  3. Right-click them and click "Download"

According to the dimension of the files in your drive, it may take a long time to download them all. Your browser MUST stay open until the operation has been completed.

According to the dimension of the files in your drive, the downloaded content could be split in multiple .zip files.

The files shared with you will only be downloaded if they are "Added to My drive" (it's a google drive thingy, it means that the files that are in "shared with me" section aren't considered).

Once downloaded everything, you can proceed in the following way:

  1. Still on your source drive (prc.aegee@gmail.com) click the gear icon, select "settings"
    1. Check the box "Convert uploads"
  2. On your computer, in your Downloads folder, extract all the .zip files containing the data you downloaded
  3. Go back on your drive, select on the left "Team Drives" → pick your team drive (In this example, "PRC Team Drive").
    1. If you see no "Team Drives", probably you did not follow this guide. If you did and still can't, contact us through the helpdesk.
  4. Select "Upload folder" → select the name of the folder you just downloaded.
  5. Profit! All the files will now be uploaded from your computer to the cloud 

You cannot close the window while this is happening!

You can always ask Fabrizio for support. He can be found at aegee.org/helpdesk

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