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#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes
1Mandatory collection of members' data.

When a user creates an account, the system should require the following information for communication and statistics purposes:

  • real name/surname;
  • email;
  • AEGEE local/contact;
  • date of birth (year+exact date)
  • nationality;
  • field of studies;
  • gender.

If a user fails to fill in name, email, exact date of birth, their account can exist but needs to be suspended.

If a user fails to fill in the AEGEE local, year of birth, nationality, field of studies, gender, the account cannot be created. If the user attempts to empty these fields, the change shall not be saved.

Must have
  • Straight from DPPS
  • Saving local might be tricky, because of the architecture. Maybe we can just add their local body/circle membership to their profile and keep track of their local membership history somehow? (up to 5 years)
2Optional collection of members' dataThe user can decide to provide additional information, such as home address or social network/messenger identifiers. The Comité Directeur may specify further which optional data fields are desired.Must have
  • Needs CD opinion, or just whatever feels cool (smile)
3Processing deletionsWhen a data subject wants to delete their account, or withdraws their permission to store its personal data, they are suspended. AEGEE local, year of birth, nationality, field of studies, and gender are not deleted from their anonamised profile.Must have
4Filtered permissions for personal data visibility

AEGEE officials (CD,commissioners) do not need insights into nationality, field of studies or gender. AEGEE officials need only see contact information and information that the data subject gave permission for publishing this information internally.

Local boards need only insights into contact 

Good to have
  • Superadmins and certain processing responsibles may need access to ensure functioning of the data and validity of the data.
  • Local boards need 
5User consent (membership)

User needs to see different check-boxes when creating or updating their account.

Users should be able to give consent for:

  1. To adhere to provisions the statutes of the local and the convention d'adhesion and to agree with the provisions of the data privacy policy of AEGEE-Europe and any system-specific privacy policy (mandatory)
  2. The collection of their personal data for the purposes of processing their membership registration (mandatory) 
  3. Email preferences
    1. subscribe to ML (announce, aegeenews, aegee,etc) (optional)
    2. agree to receive up to ten commercial messages a year (optional, opt-out)
  4. Internal publication of certain types of personal information (optional). Be it
    • Contact details only
    • Contact details and certain personal information
  5. Local publication of certain types of personal information (optional, opt-out). Be it
    • Contact details only
    • Contact details and certain personal information
  6. Local-defined additional consents (optional)

Partly must have

  1. Must
  2. Must
  3. Good to have 
  4. Good to have
  5. Nice to have
  6. Bonus
  • Consent can only be given if a user is logged-in (with their own credentials)
  • Consent meta-info needs to be stored for future reference.
  • 3b is formally a must-have, but only makes sense if it will actually be implemented by the CD.
  • Local consent, especially related to internal publication opt-out, would be a nice extra, but also requires the possibility to shield local members from other local members.
6Finishing accounts on first logonIf it is possible for a user to be generated without their own doing (e.g. by a board member or through some API), the user should be asked for consent and missing information on their first log-on.Must have?
7User consent (events)

User needs to see different check-boxes when creating or updating their account.

Users should be able to give consent for:

  1. Sharing contact and membership information with the organisers (mandatory)
  2. Sharing any other information with the organisers? (if any?)(optional)
  3. Standard "pictures for promotional purposes consent" (optional, opt-out)
  4. Organiser-specified additional consents (optional)

Partly must have

  1. must
  2. nice?
  3. nice
  4. bonus
  • Consent can only be given if a user is logged-in (with their own credentials)
  • Consent meta-info needs to be stored for future reference.
  • Not sure what to do with sharing year of birth, nationality, gender. We need a DPC opinion on this matter.
8Internal visibility of AEGEE members to AEGEE membersAll AEGEE members (Members of AEGEE Antennae and Contact Antennae) can be allowed to see other members' information, of users that have given their consent to be internally visible. What is visible for others should depend on the consent given under 5.3.Good to have
  • "Certain personal data may be published online in a system open to AEGEE members only in case the data subject gives its consent."
9Export all data belonging to one data subjectA data subject (AEGEE member) has the right to request all its personal data that is stored. It would be nice to have a feature to extract that information by the member themselves, as well as a possibility to extract such information by an official (e.g. CD/DPC) Nice to have
  • We must have a possibility to gather this information. So without a feature for it, there should still be a relatively easy way to compile a machine-readable overview of personal data the OMS has on a person.
10Contracts of confidentiality.A regular administrator wants to give additional rights to another person. In order to activate those rights, they have to upload a signed contract of confidentiality before they are granted access to the databases. Alternatively, the person has to sign an equivalent of such a contract in the system before the rights are activated. It should be possible for CD and other privileged organs to later review the agreement and its meta-data. Nice to have
  • The contract is a must-have. There HAS TO BE A CONTRACT BEFORE a person gets any privileges. Uploading requirement is a nice-to-have.
  • Local boards and local officials are except from this requirement for the administration of their own local. Although we could at some point offer them functionality to implement the same, but this depends on the local work-flow.
  • Some body, e.g. medcom, dpc, jc, cd, should maybe validate the upload or online agreement within a certain time-frame
11Automatic account remindersOur members have a responsibility to keep their data up to date and make the needed changes when necessary. It would be pretty cool if we could send out an automated message to all active accounts to ask them to review their membership data. This could e.g. be a yearly reminder in SeptemberBonus
  • Watch out for phishing risk if we send out automated emails with links in it to login pages.
12Privacy policyAny platform-specific privacy policy needs to be readable to the user. There also should be a human readable version of the DPPS and applicable privacy policy, and a link to the entire DPPS.Must-haveUser can already read simple legal info. Simple legal info needs to be adjusted to DPPS and complex info needs to be added.

User interaction and design

Image Added


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:
